
This concept only applies to Tectonic’s V2 interface. It is not relevant to the original (”V1”) interface.

The fundamental unit of processing in Tectonic is the document. The main purpose of Tectonic is to compile documents from their TeX source to one or more output formats.

Source structure

Every Tectonic document is defined by a Tectonic.toml file, which is found at the root of its source tree. This directory is also the root of the current Tectonic workspace. At the moment, “workspaces” and “documents” are the same thing, but in the future it might become possible to define multiple documents inside a single workspace.

The TeX sources are stored in a src subdirectory of the document root. Fresh workspaces will contain a file named main.tex, but this may be configured in Tectonic.toml. The build command will process these files in the order they’re provided in the inputs array.

Build structure

Build outputs are placed in the document’s build directory. By default, this is a build subdirectory of the document root.