tectonic -X bundle

Commands relating to Tectonic’s “bundles” of support files.

This is a V2 CLI command. For information on the original (”V1” CLI), see its reference page.

The bundle subcommands are:

tectonic -X bundle cat

Print out a file stored in the current document’s backing bundle.

Usage Synopsis

tectonic -X bundle cat <filename>


$ tectonic -X bundle cat latex.ltx
%% This is file `latex.ltx',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.


If this command is run outside of a document workspace, the system default bundle will be used.

tectonic -X bundle search

Print out the names of files in the current document’s backing bundle, potentially with filtering.

Usage Synopsis

tectonic -X bundle search [term]


$ tectonic -X bundle search minted


If no term is specified, all of the files in the bundle are printed. The ordering of those filenames is unspecified.

The default search method is to use simple substring matching. Other methods may be added in the future, activated by additional options.

If this command is run outside of a document workspace, the system default bundle will be used.

tectonic -X bundle create

Create a new bundle. See ./bundles in the tectonic repository.