“V1” (Default) Command Line Interface

Tectonic is distributed as a single executable, tectonic, that is meant to be invoked from the command line. We’re starting to refer to this program’s command-line interface as the “V1” interface, because a new “V2” interface is currently under development.

The V1 interface is “rustc-like”, offering a single primary workflow with lots of options controlling its behavior. In comparison, the V2 interface is “cargo-like”, with a variety of subcommands anchored around a Tectonic.toml file defining a document to build.

Current status

The V1 interface is the default. If you want to use the V2 interface, you need to take special steps, as described in its documentation.

Basic usage

The V1 interface takes an input TeX file and compiles it. Basic usage is often as simple as:

tectonic myfile.tex

This will compile the file and create myfile.pdf if nothing went wrong. You can use an input filename of - to have Tectonic process standard input. (In this case, the output file will be named texput.pdf.)


In the V1 interface there are a variety of options that control the engine’s behavior. If you have Tectonic installed, you can view them with tectonic --help.

The following are the available flags.

-b--bundle <path or url>Use this bundle instead of the default
-c--chatter <level>How much chatter to print when running [default: default] [possible values: default, minimal]
--color <when>Enable/disable colorful log output [default: auto] [possible values: always, auto, never]
-f--format <path>The name of the “format” file used to initialize the TeX engine [default: latex]
-h--helpPrints help information
--hide <hide_path>...Tell the engine that no file at <hide_path> exists, if it tries to read it
-k--keep-intermediatesKeep the intermediate files generated during processing
--keep-logsKeep the log files generated during processing
--makefile-rules <dest_path>Write Makefile-format rules expressing the dependencies of this run to <dest_path>
-C--only-cachedUse only resource files cached locally
-o--outdir <outdir>The directory in which to place output files [default: the directory containing <input>]
--outfmt <format>The kind of output to generate [default: pdf] [possible values: pdf, html, xdv, aux, fmt]
--pass <pass>Which engines to run [default: default] [possible values: default, tex, bibtex_first]
-p--printPrint the engine’s chatter during processing
-r--reruns <count>Rerun the TeX engine exactly this many times after the first
--synctexGenerate SyncTeX data
--untrustedInput is untrusted — disable all known-insecure features
-V--versionPrints version information
-Z-Z <option>...Unstable options. Pass -Zhelp to show a list